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Did you know of the many amazing miracles and visible proofs collected and housed by our Catholic are just a few.

Come and See.....

The Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin is housed in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin Italy.

Facts about the cloth believed to be the burial cloth of Our Lord Jesus Christ

  • Over 100 whip marks on every portion of his body, left by scourging from Roman flagra and consistent with ancient Roman whips used at the time.

  • Blood stains that formed a circle around the top of his head are consistent with the crown of thorns.

  • Severely bruised knees that could have resulted from several falls. (The Bible says Christ fell three times on his way to his crucifixion.

  • Blood stains around holes in the man’s wrists and feet that would be consistent with the aftermath of large spikes; the marks of crucifixion.  

  • Blood stains around a large wound that would be consistent with an injury sustained by a spear in his side.

  • The man in the Shroud did not have broken legs which is compatible with the biblical account. The legs of both thieves crucified on either side of Jesus were broken to speed asphyxia and death. Jesus was already dead, so the Roman’s did not need to break his legs.


The Veil of Manoppello


Located in St. Matilda Chapel in the Vatican.

  • In 1915 a series of 4 terrible earthquakes struck central Italy, killing over 30,000 people.

  • Out of the rubble of the Church in Manopello they found this precious and long lost relic, the cloth that lay over the face of Jesus as he lay in the tomb.

  • The face on the Shroud of Turin and the Veil of Manopello  resemble each other so distinctly, that they are believed to be the same face.  The shroud believed to be the burial cloth of the dead Jesus, and the Veil, believed to be the cloth used by Veronica to wipe the face of the alive Jesus.

The Wedding Ring of the Blessed Mother


The Cathedral of Perguia is a Roman Catholic Cathedral located in the Umbrian region of Italy built in 1345, and is home to the sacred relic "The Holy Ring" believed to be the wedding ring of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  • The Ring is made of quartz and housed in a reliquary where it hangs from a silver crown.


  • The Ring was found in the 15th Century


  • In the 13th CenturyBlessed Anne Catherine Emerich confirmed the authenticity of the ring in a vision:  " I saw the Blessed Virgins wedding ring; it is neither of silver or gold, nor of any other metal; it is dark in color and iridescent;  it is not a thin narrow ring, but rather thick and at least a finger broad. ...I saw it kept behind many locks in a beautiful church.  Devout people about to be married take their wedding rings to touch it."

The Miraculous Staircase built by St. Joseph

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Located in the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA 

Beautiful Miracle, believed to be a staircase built by St. Joseph himself. 


The architect who built the church created a choir loft, but due to little space concluded that a staircase would take up too much room so they never completed it...  So the Choir loft was left with no way to reach it.  


The nuns invoked St. Joseph the carpenter's intercession through a novena(which is 9 days of prayer).  On the 9th day a mysterious man looking for work arrived at the door with a donkey, a hammer and a carpenter's square


The man only used simple tools and wooden pegs.   The rare wood used is not native to the American Southwest.


While building the staircase no-one saw him enter or leave the chapel, and once completed he disappeared without payment or thank you.  


The structure of the stair case perplexes experts to this day !

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