The Search for Truth, Beauty, and Healing.
The Rosary

The Brown Scapular
Come and see....
The Brown Scapular is the sign of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which we are particularly urging in these perilous times... Pope Pius XII
Pope John Paul II had a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and as such faithfully wore a scapular.
He is reported to have worn a brown scapular since he was a boy, and he insisted that doctors not remove it during surgery following the assassination attempt on his life in May of 1981.

Sacramentals are anything set apart or blessed by the Church to excite good thoughts and to increase devotion.
examples of Sacramentals:
The Rosary
The Scapular
The Sign of the Cross
Holy water
Medals (Saints, Miraculous Medal etc.
Crucifixes and Crosses
Cords and Cintures
Holy Oil
Palms and Ashes
Sacred Images
Sacred Places
Sacred Times
The Bible and Prayer books