The Search for Truth, Beauty, and Healing.

The Poem
Today I saw Our Lady, hidden in the wood. She said she had a message,
and to tell it if I could.
She said please paint a picture,
of one I cannot say,
for my hand did not the painting,
but was led along the way.
As I used the paintbrush, the picture became clear, Our dear beloved lady I had nothing here to fear.
While I kept on painting, this mother and a wife, the image grew much stronger,
the message was for life!
Her eyes were strong and telling, her hands were clasped in prayer,
the message was important, in need of special care.
She said you see these grains, and different colors here?
They represent a great design, your creator holds so dear.
Of the most important and hidden from the eye, the very precious womb, where the little infant lie.
Yes, it’s deeply hidden, enclosed there deep inside, so a little tiny seed of love can nurture and abide.
It needs the mother’s protection, her tender loving care. Because you cannot see it, doesn’t mean it is not there!
She takes part in creation, sharing in the Father’s hand, for bringing life into the world, oh yes, love is this grand!
A promise has been given, from the Father up above. He wants to heal the broken hearts, he’s sending down his love!
Whomever looks upon me, grieved deeply from the pain,will hear and know God’s will for them, they will never be the same!
God has granted many graces, for your dear and hurting soul, he will turn your hardened hearts to him, His mercy- overflow!
And so.. I am your mother,
I will help you on your way, I will bind up all your sorrows and teach you how to pray.
Please don’t fear to seek me out, and know that I am good,
just call upon me with the words...
Mary, hidden in the wood!