The Search for Truth, Beauty, and Healing.
Marian Apparitions
A Marian Apparition is a reported supernatural appearance by the Blessed Virgin Mary. Approved Apparitions have been extensively investigated by the Holy Catholic Church and are deemed worthy of belief. Many Catholics have never heard of our Lady appearing and leaving messages for the world. With her appearance she has predicted wars, given guidance on how to change our lives and gives a continuous call to repentance. Although the many images of her look different, she is the same Blessed Mother! Here we would like to highlight some of the Church Approved Apparitions.
Come and See......
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady appeared a total of 6 times in Fatima, Portugal to 3 Shepherd children during World War I in the year 1917

{real-life image of Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia}
- Mary said that war was a consequence of sin, and if People did not repent a worse war would break out. 20 years later, World War II began.
- Mary showed the children a vision of hell "where poor sinners go." She asked for prayer and penance from all of us for the salvation of souls.
- Mary told Jacinta and Francisco they would come to heaven soon. They died 2-3 years after the apparitions and are beatified Saints. Lucia lived another 88 years as a nun, and died in 2005.
- Mary pleaded for all to pray the Rosary in each of the 6 apparitions
-Mary asked that the First Saturday of the Month be honored in reparation for the sins against her Immaculate Heart.
- Mary promised a miracle at the last apparition. 70,000 pilgrims witnessed the Miracle of the sun.

Our Lady of Lourdes

-Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous 17 times in 1958. She said: "I saw a lady dressed in white, she wore a white dress and equally white veils, a blue belt and a rose on each foot."
-Mary told Bernadette, "I do not promise to make you happy in this world, but in the other.
-Marys message: Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners.
-Mary asked her to dig in the ground and drink. It was muddy, but they discovered afterwards a beautiful spring of water that has countless miracles and healings attributed to it. Even still today!
-Bernadette suffered greatly, at first her priest did not believe her, and the judge threatened prison. She was called a liar and ridiculed terribly.
-Mary announced to Bernadette, "I am the Immaculate Conception."
{Real-life image of St. Bernadette}
Our Lady of Guadelupe
Mary appeared to Juan Diego in 1531, in Mexico during a time when the Aztecs worshipped and sacrificed their babies to false gods.
-A peasant, Juan Diego traveled over a hill, when he saw a glowing figure. After announcing who she was, she told Juan to tell the bishop to have a shrine built in that exact spot.
_The bishop dismissed him and sent him away.
_The Blessed Mother appeared again, and told him to bring proof, and asked him to pick Roses at the top of the hill....But it was winter. Juan found the roses and immediately took them to the Bishop.
-Juan carried the roses in his tilma (cloak) and when he came in to see the bishop, he opened his cloak, the roses fell to the ground, but the miraculous image of our lady developed onto the tilma right before the bishops stunned eyes!
- The Bishop had the church built, a Bascilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico. It is a great place of pilgrimage and conversion. The tilma with the image hangs inside the church, untouched and in perfect shape. It has been extensively examined and found to be a great miracle! It also has hidden messages. Being made of plant based material, the tilma should've decayed but has remained in perfect condition for over 500 years.
- There are many more parts to this amazing story which you can click on below to learn more.

This above image is the exact image hanging in Bascilica in Mexico City.

Juan Diego

Our Lady of Kibeho
Our Lady appeared in Kibeho, a small village in Rwanda in the early 1980's to 3 teenage school girls.
The first seer Alphonsine, was ridiculed and picked on so terribly, that she begged the Blessed Mother to appear to another student.
Mary next appeared to Anathalie, and then to Marie Claire. Marie Claire severely ridiculed Alphonsine at the beginning, but had a major conversion and change of heart at seeing our Lady.
-The girls were hit and poked during the apparitions, but never moved.
-The message of Our Lady of Kibeho was a simple one of love and repentance. Love God and love others. Be kind to one another, pray sincerely, repent of your sins, be humble and forgive each other.
Our Lady also showed the three girls horrific visions of what would happen if the people did not repent. On 19th August, 1982, all three saw dreadful visions of death, violence, blood, fire and destruction. They saw rivers of blood and the death and destruction of many.
- In 1994, the visions came to reality in the Rwandan Genocide. In a period of just 3 months, Rwandans were killed by their neighbours, friends and even family members.
-800,000 people lost their lives and there was a true river of blood because of all the massacred bodies.
-Today, Kibeho is the location of Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine that has been built to house the many pilgrims who go seeking peace and healing.

Anathalie, Marie Claire and Alphonsine
Our Lady of La Salette
-In France, a town of Corps, near Grenoble, our lady appeared to two children Melanie, and Maximum in 1846. Two young children who tended the cattle.
-The children described her as the most beautiful woman, seated on a stone, holding her head in her hands.
- Mary told them that unless the people repented, she would have to let go of the arm of God which was already too heavy.
- She told them both of wars, plagues and calamities that would inflict our world due to the great sins of many.

Our Lady of Knock

-In Knock Ireland,on August 21, 1879 there appeared a heavenly apparition of Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. John the Evangelist
-There was also visible, a lamb standing on an alter in front of a cross, surrounded by angels.
-This was a completely silent apparition with no audible message. The apparition lasted 2 hours, with 15 documented witnesses. in 1880 three additional apparitions occurred in the same spot and in the same manner.

Our Lady of Akita, Japan
In Akita Japan the blessed events began on June 12, 1973.
Beginning with brilliant rays of light coming forth from the tabernacle, Sister Agnes Sasagawa received messages from Our Lady.... messages important to the whole world.

Sister Agnes heard a voice coming from the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the chapel where she was praying.
The Statue was made from a single block of wood from a Katsura tree.
On Four occasions the hand bled and then disappeared. After this the statue began to sweat on the forehead and neck. Two years later the statue began to weep. It has wept on over 101 occasions.
The Messages
Pray very much for the Pope, Bishops, and Priests.
Many men in this world will afflict the Lord. I desire souls to console him to soften the anger of the Heavenly Father. I wish with my Son, for souls who will repair by their suffering and poverty for the sinners and ingrates.
"In order that the world might know his anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind. With my Son, I have intervened so many times to appease the wrath of the Father.
"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge."
"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars will be sacked. The church will be full of those who accept compromise, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.